This year we have the fantastic opportunity for your child to attend our SQUAD SUMMER CAMP
The camp will take place 21st - 25th August 2023
Your gymnast will be able to gain skills, have amazing fun with their gym friends and take part in some fantastic offsite activities PLUS a gym sleepover!!!!
The camp is open to the following squads
All 4 piece competitive squads, including Petites and Presquad groups
8 hour & 6 hour Floor & Vault squads.
Please see the camp time table below, please note those born in 2017 will unfortunately not be able to attend the sleepover and will need to be collected by 9.00pm on the Thursday evening.

The cost of the camp is £165 per gymnast. We will also be offering a breakfast option to include early drop off and a breakfast. Breakfast drop off - 8.30am to 9.30am - includes fruit and toast. £6 pp
Gymnasts must bring a packed lunch daily and snacks.
There will be no evening training during the week of the Squad Summer Camp for the gymnasts taking part in the camp and or gymnasts of the following groups, National 1, Regional Seniors, National 2, County Seniors, County Juniors, Development, Petites and Presquad 1.
Gymnasts of the groups above or any F&V gymnast attending the camp will have their normal training hours refunded and credited to their account. This can be refunded or used against the camp or workshops, with the exception of gymnasts from National 1 and Regional Seniors who are not attending the camp.
To book your gymnasts onto the Squad Summer Camp please use the form below.
Places will be limited and we ask that you book no later than 31st July 2023.